Property page - "Tools" |
Menu contents - Lists commands you have added to the Tools menu. To add a command, click the New button above the Menu Contents list, type the text for the menu item in the box at the end of the Menu Contents list, and provide the necessary information in the boxes below. Placing an ampersand (&) before a letter in the menu item text makes the letter an accelerator key. To modify a command, select it in the Menu Contents list and change the information specified in the boxes below. To delete a command, select it and click the Delete button above the Menu Contents list. To move a command up or down on the Tools menu, select the command in the Menu Contents list and click one of the arrows above the list .
Command - Displays the path and filename of the tool currently selected in the Menu Contents list. Use button for open a dialog box where you can browse and select a file.
Arguments - Specifies additional arguments for the tool each time you start it. For example, you can use $(Active file) to specify the file name of the file which associated in active Comparison Pane. You can also specify additional arguments for each particular instance of the tool. Use button for displays a list of the argument macros you can include. For example, if you click Text Under Cursor in the list, $(Text under cursor) is inserted in the Arguments box at the cursor position. There are next argument macros:
$(FirstFilePath) - The complete filename of first file (defined as drive+path+filename+fileext); | |
$(FirstFileDir) - The directory of first file (defined as drive+path); | |
$(FirstFileName) - The filename of first file (defined as filename); | |
$(FirstFileExt) - The filename extension of first file (".txt" for example); | |
$(SecondFilePath) - The complete filename of second file (defined as drive+path+filename+fileext); | |
$(SecondFileDir) - The directory of second file (defined as drive+path); | |
$(SecondFileName) - The filename of second file (defined as filename); | |
$(SecondFileExt) - The filename extension of second file (".txt" for example); | |
$(ActiveFilePath) - The complete filename of the active file (file, the comparison pane of which has input focus); | |
$(InactiveFilePath) - - The complete filename of the inactive file (file, the comparison pane of which has not input focus); | |
$(TextUnderCursor) - text block under cursor. If text under cursor not exist then this have empty value; | |
$(RowAtCursor) - the row number of cursor position; | |
$(ColumnAtCursor) - the column number of cursor position. |
Initial directory - Specifies the working directory of the tool.
All created tools entities will be appear onto menu Tools.